These 9 mini black and white photo’s taken as selfies with my ipad are currently on exhibit at the College Park Gallery.
April 3rd 2024. “Let th drilling begin”.
April 4th 2024. Plastic pouches collecting post surgery blood.
April 6th 2024. 32 Staples. Looking badass.
April 10th Post Surgery Recovery continues.
April 10th 2024. Contemplating life without tremors and side effects.
April 15th 2024. Feeling not only physical nakedness but emotional as well. “Feeling of abandoning 10 yrs of managing my symptoms….whats my future?”
April 15th 2024. Realizing that I was now free, like a butterfly bursting out of their cocoon!
April 20th 2024. It is great to feel JOY.
April 28th 2024. Reclaiming ME.
Such an inspiration