It was first built in 1886 by a settler named Gordon Rogers and served as the Old English Club where settlers drank liquor and played billiards.
It was donated by arts benefactor Ford Kiene earlier this year with the requirement that the Rogers Kiene Building be used for arts purposes for at least 20 years.

The CityArts Factory, which has classroom space, exhibits and art galleries, is run by the Downtown Arts District.

A month ago I announced that the CityArts Orlando gallery will have my work exhibited during the month of November 21 with a VIP Event the evening of November 6th.
I was going to leave it at that, not mention it again and hope that a few of you venture over to take a look. To be honest I have yet to get over the shock of my first exhibit being at such a prestigious gallery and among many, many incredible artists….quite humbling to say the least.
Then I thought Fuck!t…I am going to take you on this adventure with me.
Why the Fuck!t Exhibit? Well, for a few reasons…..
9 years ago when diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease I said…Fuck!t!
When I retired January 2020 I said Fuck!t I’m going to open a Coffee/Art Studio.
April 2020 Covid-19 closed my Coffee/Art studio I said Fuck!t and started Make Sh!t Happen.
Almost 5 years ago, thanks to Gulliver I ventured into the world of “Artist”..I said Fuck!t this gig is great.

What you can expect on the Fuck!t Adventure….an update on my preparation for the show, an update on who, what & when for the VIP evening event. I will also give you a sneak peak on what I am working on and what you “may” see at the show.
My lastest is a painting 2ftx4ft canvas using high gloss spray paint and acrylic. I love the combination effect….opposites do attract.
My obsessions seem to culminate in a painting or photograph. Lately its been Greenhouse gas emissions and Global temperature change.
It’s Your Choice to Live or Die.

Below are a few sectional shots.

Mother earth is melting from overheating.

Pollution is killing every living creature and suffocating forestry.

There is possibly a silver lining…….
I have always believed that I am a foundation, albeit late in life, and my children are the teachers. It is our duty to teach the future generation what we have learned about ourselves and the earth we rent space on.
Our band of students. I admit their work far exceeds mine.
