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Imagine a Pink Elephant….

Cathie Geraci


Let’s review. Who or what is in control of your intelligence? It is your mind’s eye. Your mind’s eye moves from its favorite, natural place to think, imagine, create and solve problems. To do this it must disorientate.

The mind’s eye also moves when it is confused. Confusion could be the form of a letter for a dyslexic. Confusion could be life concepts, such as ‘cause and effect’, in relation to oneself for a person with ADHD. Confusion could be a life concept, such as ‘change’ for an autistic individual. But what about those of us who do not have the talents and difficulties of a neurodiverse person?

Well, we all have moments of confusion throughout the day. Something we do not understand at work. The behavior of a person towards us that we do not understand where it came from. Something sudden that happens unexpectedly, like a loud noise or bird flying too close to us. Confusions force us to think to try to figure them out. The more confused we are and the longer it takes us to figure something out, the deeper we disorientate and the longer we stay disorientated.

Remember, when we are in the state of disorientation, we are missing information from reality. How can we miss information? It has to do with where you mind’s eye puts its attention. Let me explain further.

What are you using to read this blog? You are using your eyes. Now, imagine a pink elephant standing next to you. Really pause and imagine it with all of its detail. The pink elephant is in your imagination. Your mind’s eye is looking at your imagination. When it does this, you are disorientating because you are focused on your imagination, rather than focusing on the true facts of reality in that moment.

Now, you only had to imagine a pink elephant for 2 or 3 seconds. You did this quickly and it was easy for you to leave your ‘disorientated state’ and come back to putting your attending on your environment. However, if you were confused about something and not able to figure it out quickly, you would be in disorientation for a long time. It may be hard for you to ‘let go’ and come back to put your mind’s eye in the optimal place for putting your attention only on your environment. This is where your mind’s eye is controlling you rather than you being in control of it.

For example, this is when you are still trying to pay attention to someone speaking to you, while you are deeply thinking to solve a confusion . It appears you are paying attention, but in your disorientation you are missing things being said to you or perceiving something they are saying in a way that is not true to what they are actually saying.

You see, you cannot put your attention in your imagination to create or day dream and have your attention bein the real world at the same time. You cannot put your attention in your mind to think in order to solve a problem or a confusion and be in the real world at the same time.

Your mind’s eye is moving to different places within your mind depending on what you are doing and what is happening to you. You do this without knowing where the mind’s eye is moving, as you shift from being tuned in to your environment or using your mind to think or day dream. And because you are not aware of what it is doing, it controls you.

This makes it difficult for you to come back to an orientated state in order to be perceiving the true facts of your reality.

Wouldn’t it better to be in control of when you want to be orientated and when you want to be disorientated? Absolutely! That is being in control of your intelligence! Let’s learn how to do that next!

Author: Cathie Geraci.

July 5th 2022.

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1 comentario

Margie Burns-Kohn
Margie Burns-Kohn
06 jul 2022

Cathie, I find this intriguing and actual! Question: Does your minds eye ever rest? Question: When you are in meditation and focused on a subject that your minds eye that is focused?


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